DDX6 is a protein with 54 kDa. Has various molecular functions, such as helicase activity. Is involved in several biological processes, including stem cell population maintenance.
ATP binding, ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity , cadherin binding , helicase activity , protein domain specific binding , RNA binding ,RNA helicase activity
Used cell type
HeLa, RPE-1
Used Stimuli
Sodium arsenite
Subcellular Localization
Nucleus, P-body, Cytoplasm
Wilczynska, A.; Aigueperse,C.; Kress,M.; Dautry,F.; Weil,D.(2005).The translational regulator CPEB1 provides a link between dcp1 bodies and stress granules. J Cell Sci. 2005 Mar 1;118(Pt 5):981-92